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22nd August 2009

This report was designed to validate or discard the use of standing tree and/or log acoustics as a tool for predicting Kraft pulp yield (KPY).

As a result Acoustic velocity in both standing and felled trees was significantly correlated with Kraft pulp yield in over 700 trees sampled across two sites in northern Tasmania. The variance explained in pulp yield was only 25% (standing tree) and 18% (felled stem) by acoustic data. Standing tree acoustic velocity measurements explained approximately 50-60% of the variance in felled stem measurements taken from the lower 70% of stem length.

However, Acoustic wave velocity does not provide sufficient resolution to predict Kraft pulp yield of an individual tree, with acceptable accuracy.


Reference Number: 

Findings Report: 

This website was designed and created by Charmagne Downes for Forest Quality Pty Ltd

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